Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Eyebrow Routine

After getting compliments and comments on my eyebrows, I thought I'd put up a step-by-step post. So this is exactly how I groom and fill in my eyebrows. 

Firstly, I'd like to apologise for the shite quality of the photos. Being a student, I can't afford a snazzy camera so just pretend they're really high quality. 

Step 1:

This is how my eyebrows look before I touch them. I tend to deal with them after I've completed my 'base' makeup (foundation, concealer, power etc.) but before I do my eye makeup - aside from a little eyeliner. 
The lovely Imogen Brown shapes (waxes) and tints my eyebrows (click her name to check her facebook page out) roughly every 4 weeks when I'm back from uni.

Step 2:

I got this spoolie/angled brush with a random set, probably a brow set. I thought about buying a decent one but I like it being short - as I have a lot of control over it. 

Every month or so - or whenever I notice my brows getting out of hand - I groom them by trimming them. I have really thick, dark hair so my brows tend to get long and straggly, if that's a word...
Anyway, I brush the whole eyebrow upwards with a spoolie so I can see which wanderers need to be tamed. 

Step 3:

 With a pair of nail scissors (because I'm a tramp) I cut along the top line of my brow. You can use any scissors you want, but obviously I'd advise a pair of small ones. 

This is what they look like after I've trimmed them both.

Step 4: 

Luckily because I have really dark hair, I can get away with using just any black eyeshadow to fill my brows in. Most people will have lighter hair than myself so just try a few colours out until you find a good match for you.

Using an angled brush, I start filling my brows in from the arch, so around the middle of the brow - because this is where you want the darkest colour. I draw an outline over the top of the brow to shape them and then do the same with the bottom. So, you should have two lines that create the outline of the arch.

Step 5:

Next, I fill in the space between the outline. So, half of the brow is filled in.

Step 6:

I like my brows to be lighter towards the start of them - so nearer the nose. So, without adding more eyeshadow (there will still be enough on the brush), draw a faint line along the bottom half of the brow that you haven't filled in.

Step 7:

Then, with upward strokes (still not adding more eyeshadow), fill in the rest of the brow. I start from the point nearer the arch then work in towards the start of the brow so they continue to get lighter. 

Step 8:

Finally, to make them look a tad more 'square' I just press the brush vertically against my skin at the point where I want my brow to end - or start, whatever. But do not add more eyeshadow to the brush, or you'll have a stupid-looking dark line at the start of your brow. 
I then obviously do the same to the other brow. 

Here's what they look like finished.
Try it out and send me some photos via twitter or instagram with #charlottesbrows in the description. 
Twitter - @charl0ttehoward
Instagram - @charlottehoward

Let me know if you have any comments or suggestions!



  1. At the moment i'm using a Bare Minerals Lasting Line eyeliner on my brows as it's a perfect shade and formula x
    Laura | A Life With Frills
