Monday 12 October 2015

Being Assaulted


I wanted to bring up something serious that happened to me this weekend.

This Saturday (10/10/2015) I was assaulted at a club in Canterbury (where I attend university).
Some smart soul decided to throw a bottle of Grey Goose vodka from the middle of the dance floor to the outskirts of the room. This bottle hit me and the impact cut my head open. Not going to lie, my head was pissing blood and I think I gave everyone including the bouncers a bit of a scare.

When I eventually sat down in the club's staff room - after being led several times through the crowds in the club, up and down several sets of stairs - police, security and paramedics were all trying to talk to me and I ended up being sick.

The CCTV was checked whilst I was still in the club, but apparently the incident could not be seen on the cameras. How they didn't capture a large bottle flying through the air I do not know.

Eventually I was taken in an ambulance to the local hospital where I was met by police and had the wound cleaned and glued. To avoid getting the cut and glue wet, I'm not allowed to wash my hair for a week, so my hair is still matted with blood; I cannot attend university or do a presentation worth 20% of one of my final year modules. 

This incident could have been a lot worse, and I'm surprised it wasn't after seeing the amount of blood that I lost; I was literally soaked. But considering everything, I'm actually okay minus a bit of soreness - believe it or not I don't actually remember being in any pain. However, I went back to Nottingham after this incident and turns out I was concussed - that was another trip to the hospital.

My point is, don't be a wanker when you're drunk.
I really hope whoever threw that bottle saw what happened to me and will think twice about doing something as stupid as that in the future.

I definitely wont be attending any events at that club again. The club are not considering swapping glass bottles to plastic bottles, but they have reassured me that the security have now been trained to keep an eye out for people that look like they're going to throw a bottle. Yep. Like that is going to do anything. I was offered free champagne and a VIP table as an apology but they can shove that up their arses.

This last part is a long shot: 
If anyone in Canterbury that night saw the incident, or knows anyone that was throwing bottles around in Club Chemistry then please let me or Kent Police know. 
