Sunday, 10 August 2014

The First Post

Thought I'd just write a general post today to tell you a bit about myself and to let you know what to expect on my blog.

1. About me
As you've probably guessed my name is Charlotte Emily Howard, I'm 19 and I'm currently a university student. Born and raised in Nottingham, lived in Lancaster for a year and will be moving to Kent in September.
Typical interesting facts: I'm a quarter of an inch off 5ft (so close!) and I'm a quarter Greek.
I never know what to write in these 'About Me' sections because I'm literally just a normal teenager with nothing extraordinary to tell you. Most of my time is spent doing cliché student things (sleeping a lot, watching crap TV and spending money I don't have) and I like it that way. Uni and the lifestyle that comes with it is expensive so I work in a bar when I'm home for a few extra pennies. I might start doing something more productive when I'm no longer a teenager, but that can wait until January 2015 when I no longer have that excuse.

2. What to expect on my blog
My university journey so far hasn't been what you'd call 'straight forward' which is why I thought blogging about it might interest and help a few people out.
I applied for university in 2012 ready to start in September 2013. 5 universities (all in the South of England) offered me places to study either English literature or Comparative literature. However, 2013 came around and I realised that even though I've always loved reading and writing, studying literature was not what I wanted to do anymore. So, I declined all of my university offers.
UCAS have a system where you can apply for one more university after this so I applied to study psychology instead. And for some strange reason I ignored my main plan to move down South and applied for Lancaster. I have nothing against Lancaster, it's really high in the league tables and I enjoyed the first half of my first year there, but it just isn't the place for me. I wish I did stick to my original plan of moving South because that was all I wanted to do, but at least I'm doing it now! It would have been easier to stay at Lancaster but I know that I would have regretted it in the long run and I'm so glad I had the guts to move.

One of my habits is online shopping, even though I am particularly skint at the moment! So I own a LOT of clothes/shoes/jewellery - a lot meaning I have to use my brother's and my mum's bedrooms to store my clothes; it just wouldn't be possible to fit it all in one space. I may not blog about fashion items or cosmetics frequently, but if I find anything that I'm loving enough to write about then I just might!

Lastly, whatever thoughts are worth sharing I'll write here. So if you're interested in finding out what I get up to then keep an eye out. Expect low quality photos.

Feel free to tweet me any questions you have about university or about anything else.


1 comment:

  1. Just found your blog so I'm starting at the beginning! Looking forward to reading the rest! X
