Thought it'd be a very convenient time to write a post about tattoos and reactions to them, since this week I very spontaneously decided to get two new ones.
I have 5 tattoos in total, it sounds a lot when you say it, but to me it doesn't seem that way at all. After getting them I get very different reactions from different people, as I'm sure everyone else with a tattoo has experienced. Some people love them, some people aren't bothered either way and some people hate them. My dad for instance.
I totally understand that some people dislike tattoos but I think people should really think about the way they talk about and react to people getting them. What does my nut in is how people can get away with being so prejudice and discriminating, it's ridiculous and shouldn't still happen. After getting my latest tattoos I was told to be careful where I got them in the future because people may be less likely to employ me.
My reaction: fuck them.
If someone wasn't to employ me solely based on the fact that I have two small tattoos on my wrists then they can stuff their job. I wouldn't want to work for such prejudice people. So because I have markings on my wrists I apparently now give off a 'bad and unprofessional impression', just like that. Just because somebody isn't a fan of what's on your body doesn't mean that they have the right to display discriminating behaviour towards you.
My main issue isn't what other people think at all though. My main issue is when I'm told I shouldn't do something because somebody else MIGHT judge me for it. I'm not going to live my life scared of what other people's reactions are to me or what I want to do, and this doesn't just apply to getting tattoos. With anything. Live your life how YOU want to, not how others want you to. I know my life doesn't revolve around keeping other people happy, or making sure some prejudice person will employ me!
And with that out of my system I'll get onto the fun bit.
1. My first tattoo.
My nanna (my dad's mum) is from Greece so I wanted to get something that somehow symbolised that side of me. In Greece (and Turkey), 'lucky eye' charms are sold - usually on bracelets - in order to protect you from the curses of the 'evil eye'. If you want to know more about that then research away. The design for this tattoo was actually taken from a necklace I found online and I knew it was what I wanted straight away. It looked amazing when it was first done but does now need touching up, so that'll be the next thing I have done, but that probably wont be until next year when I save some pennies.
This is positioned on my right thigh and was done on my 18th birthday.
A couple of months later I got two roses done on my upper thigh (left side). There's not much to say about these, I just saw a photo and I liked them. But after getting them done I decided I needed something else to add to them because the tattoo looked too small next to my massive arse. So just under a year later I then got...
...a vintage fan! I think a friend suggested the idea for this (cheers Jasmine). All I did was emailed the tattoo artist saying I wanted a vintage style fan on my hip, and she designed this for me. There are so many things I could say about the detail on this that I just adore - the white polka dots on the bow, the lace-like trim at the top and the little jewels hanging. I just love it so so much!
4 & 5.
My most recent editions. Again I just saw a photo of someone else's moon tattoo and wanted it. However, I got mine slightly bigger and also added the other part. My idea was that I'd have a sun and a moon on each wrist as a sort of 'where there's darkness, there's light' because I was having a very crappy time but I'm hopefully done with that! I then couldn't think of a cool sun design so I went with a plain circle, and I really like it!
That's it (for now)!