Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Back to Uni - Catch Up


Just thought I'd post a little catch up blog before I post all the interesting ones.

A couple of weeks ago I moved back to Canterbury for my final year of university.
AND I got myself a fella.
AND I actually moved out of halls and got my own house with my pals.

I miss being able to roll out of bed ten minutes before my seminar or lab (lets be honest, I didn't go to lectures), and the only preparation would be pulling some clothes on over my pyjamas. Now I actually have to walk over 3500 steps to get there, and then another 3500 back - according to my phone. That's probably more exercise in the first two weeks of third year than I have done over the last two years at uni.

Bit stressed at the moment due to writing all my deadlines down, 0 pennies to spend, my house is a building site (some maintenance men took our toilet, cryyy). BUT, my room looks pretty - shall do a room tour soon!

Anyway, that's our catch up over. Speak to ya soon.
